

杭州-萧山区 / 民办全日制 / 教师: 150-200人 / 学生: 2000-3000人

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Wellington College Hangzhou opened in 2018, showcasing a world-class modern campus educating pupils from age 2 – 18 years old. Our vision to create a caring, international community harnesses the diversity of both East and West cultures through traditional Wellington core Values and Identity. Providing a foundation to grow academic excellence, complemented by a breadth of co-curricular opportunities. Huili Nursery School provides a bilingual Early Years learning environment, developing strong language and communication skills through internationally proven play-based activities. Wellington College International Hangzhou consists of a Primary and Senior School offering a uniquely British style curriculum delivering a world-class international education for children of expatriate families. Huili School Hangzhou comprises a Primary and Junior High School bringing together the very best of Chinese and British education delivered through a bespoke bilingual learning environment. Wellington College Hangzhou Sixth Form offers a comprehensive A Level programme, Extended Project Qualification and individual career guidance resulting in a strong pathway to attend the best universities in the UK, USA and worldwide. 杭州市萧山区惠立学校面向2-18岁的学生,提供双语教育。杭州惠立幼儿园引入英国早期基础教育体系,小学阶段遵循国家课程标准及浙江省课程要求,融合英国国家课程, IPC等国际课程联合教学。进入中学后采用IGCSE以及A-Level或IB课程体系。杭州惠立学校融合了惠立特质和价值观,使得融合英国惠灵顿教学特色的全人教育得以实现。同时,学校承袭惠灵顿公学广受好评的幸福关怀体系,全方位关爱学生的身心健康成长。我们致力于帮助学生实现全面发展,培养 学生具备21世纪个人发展所需能力,从容应对大学升学及以后将面临的挑战。 校园总占地面积超过70000平方米,拥有一系列量身打造的先进的设备设施,可供学生们进行学术课程和丰富的课外活动。 更多信息请参见学校官网: 惠立学校 https://hangzhou.huilieducation.cn/ 惠立幼儿园 https://hangzhou-nursery.huilieducation.cn/ 惠灵顿 https://hangzhou.wellingtoncollege.cn/zh_cn/

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